Macro Lager


  • Country: Canada
  • Style: American Pale Lager
  • ABV: 5.0%
  • Serving Type: 330ml Bottle
  • Price: Inexpensive

This is the first normal review I’ve done for a while due to EURO 2012. Moosehead Lager is one of the most consumed beers in Canada along with Labatt Blue and Molson’s Canadian. I bought this beer because I like the logo and because I recently found the glass, hopefully it tastes as good as the logo looks.

Moosehead is the largest independently owned brewery in Canada, having been owned by the Oland family since 1865. Just last year the previous owner Richard Oland was murdered, his son Derek has since taken over the brewery and becomes the 6th generation of Oland’s to run the brewery.

The beer pours a typically boring yellow golden colour. There doesn’t appear to be a heap of carbonation but a two finger head of white foam is initially visible atop the golden body. I say initially as this head fades as quickly as any other beer I’ve ever seen. As far as cheap lagers go it has a pretty run of the mill appearance, but it does look nice in that glass…

On the nose this one is pretty sweet. Having had a couple of Canadian lagers before they seem to all have this distinct sweet malt smell with only a little hint of hops. The hops are floral or grassy and seem to add some bitterness to the nose, but not enough to make it seem balanced. The aroma of this beer doesn’t show any real sign of quality, I’m a tad disappointed at this stage.

Moosehead Lager tastes heaps better than it looks or smells. The flavour is quite impressive, the malt base is quite light and not overbearing at all while the are full of flavour and provide nice bitterness. The flavour of this beer is good but the real quality is in the finish. It leaves the mouth nice and dry and is very crisp, you are left with a beautiful hop and grain flavour on the back of the palate.

To be honest I think this is the best Canadian lager that I’ve ever had. That’s not saying alot about the quality of this beer as Canadian lagers are pretty average, but this one is good. Personally I like the bitterness of this one and the drinkability is also really goodl This is a hard beer to find in Australia but if you come across it, it’s worth grabbing a 6-pack. It’s definitely a beer that would make a good session beer, buy it to watch the footy and you won’t be disappointed.

Remember it’s always Beer O’Clock somewhere in the world!