Untappd: Heffenista (Level 3) Badge

  • Country: Germany
  • Style: Hefeweizen
  • ABV: 5.4%
  • Serving Type: 570ml Tap
  • Price: Slightly Pricey

Generally I review beers that I’ve had at home, so this Untappd segment could throw up some interesting situations and subsequently photos. Coll and I were at Alehouse Project last week when I unlocked this badge, considering that I’m pretty impressed with the iPhone photo.

Heffenista is a pretty easy and straight forward badge to get, simply sample 5 Hefeweizens. It’s a style I really don’t drink enough of considering how much I like them, only 15 out of 800 and something check-ins… Normally I would either need to buy a bottle of a beer that I’ve had on tap to review, or rely off my crappy iPhone notes; not this beer though, I know this one just about off by heart!

Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier pours the expected cloudy golden colour that almost all Hefeweizens pour. Seeing as this is a 500ml glass that they were trying to squeeze a pint into the head was relatively small, but what was there certainly hung around for quite a while. The half finger of head that you can almost make out in the photo, lasted until right at the end and laced the glass very nicely.

Onto the nose and Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier has one of the most distinctive nose of all wheat beers. It smells very strongly of banana, cloves and what I like to call rock-melon but have heard called everything from vanilla to bubblegum. On tap I picked up a little more yeast character than I do out of the bottle.

I was blown away how good this tastes on tap. On our Europe trip earlier this year I had a number of different Hefeweizens on tap and while all of them were refreshing none of them tasted as good as this! It was just perfect fully of banana and clove spiciness, it’s very close to, if not, the perfect Hefeweizen!

Simply this beer is everything you could possibly want from a Hefeweizen. For anyone who likes Hefeweizens and hasn’t tried this; it is an absolute must! I’d also highly recommend this as an introductory beer for those wishing to get into wheat beers, it gives you an indication of all the different flavours you can expect from the style in a relatively approachable form. Anyway in short, awesome beer – go buy some!

Remember it’s always Beer O’Clock somewhere in the world!