Beers of the Week is something new we’re going to do on Beer O’Clock Australia to give you a bit of an insight behind the curtain. Each week I’m going to post three beers that tickled my fancy over the last week or so, whether they be the best beers or simply beers that intrigued me. Hope you enjoy the new segment; even if it’s late again this week! For once I have a good excuse for myself! I’ve been demolishing the kitchen this week & had my birthday so have only just found time to get this up.

Liberty C!tra

Speaking of my birthday; this was a present from podcast host, Dylan. It’s a beer that I used to love, but haven’t seen around for a few years. It’s as good as I remember! It’s all citrus & pine with a real whack of bitterness; something of a throwback IIPA from 10 years ago!

The Mill Dark Lord

With Melbourne coming up on 6 months of lockdown for the year we need to look for small positives. One of those for me has seen beers from The Mill leave their brewery more regularly. I’m an unabashed lover of Black IPA’s & this is one of Melbourne’s best; not only one for my fellow lovers, but a beer I’ve seen convert people to the style. There’s a little chocolate, plenty of roast & good citrus bitterness.

Hill Farmstead Anna

For so long Hill Farmstead was one of those breweries that I’d resigned myself I would have to travel to the States to get to try. So there was a fair bit of excitement when they landed in Melbourne during GBW 2018. I naturally stashed a couple of bottles for later consumption & finally cracked one this week! This one is Anna, named after their Grandfather’s sister. It’s a beautiful beer; a tart, funky Saison with citrus & hints of honey sweetness. 

Thanks for all your feedback on this segment, it has been overwhelmingly positive & is definitely here to stay! I’d still love your thoughts on this segment & what else you’d like to see on the blog in the coming months once the Year of the Local comes to an end. Please send any feedback or thoughts to Cheers!

Remember it’s always Beer O’Clock somewhere in the world!