Beers of the Week is something new we’re going to do on Beer O’Clock Australia to give you a bit of an insight behind the curtain. Each week I’m going to post three beers that tickled my fancy over the last week or so, whether they be the best beers or simply beers that intrigued me. Hope you enjoy the new segment! It’s becoming something of a pattern for these to be really late! A week late to be precise! The majority of the kitchen renovations are now behind us, so with any luck regular programming will resume…

It’s becoming something of a pattern for these to be really late! A week late to be precise! The majority of the kitchen renovations are now behind us, so with any luck regular programming will resume…

Fixation Danker Things

Danker Things was one of my favourite Fixation releases when it was released during the first Melbourne lockdown. It recently got a wider release, complete with a label that really stands out. It’s a wonderful IPA that tastes like opening a bag of Citra hops, packed full of citrus & tropical notes accompanied by moderate dankness & bitterness. 

Russian River Supplication

On my birthday I decided to crack into a few beers from the cellar. Dad hauled this back from California for me a few years ago & I’d been holding onto it for an appropriate occasion. It was everything I’d hoped it would be; there was fleshy cherry, lots of Brett, some vinous character & plenty of oak. It deserves its billing as one of those beers everyone should try once!

Firestone Walker Stickee Monkee

There are not many days left this year where the weather will suit drinking a Quad, so I had to take the opportunity when it presented itself! This isn’t a traditional Quad; it’s barrel aged but those characters take a backseat to the wonderful medley of candi sugar, fig & raisins. Admittedly the oxidation from barrel ageing probably enhances those characters, but the oak/spirit flavours are definitely in the background. 

Thanks for all your feedback on this segment, it has been overwhelmingly positive & is definitely here to stay! I’d still love your thoughts on this segment & what else you’d like to see on the blog in the coming months once the Year of the Local comes to an end. Please send any feedback or thoughts to Cheers!

Remember it’s always Beer O’Clock somewhere in the world!